The First Step To Attracting The Man For You.
After one failed marriage with the man that I thought was the dream of my life, I knew that there had to be a better way in building relationships with the opposite sex.
I have to admit, men are different than women. And there is an old saying that says, “Love is sometime just not enough”, but who wants to hear that kind of garbage when you are young and in love? No one. You think that you both feel the same way about each other in the love relationships, but that is not always the case.
I share my story with you because I know it will help you in your dating and marriage relationship. It will help you even if you are divorced, or maybe comtiplating a divorce. And the simple thing about this is that it is not hard to figure out.
Men are men, and Women are women. We are similar, but very different. That is just the way it is. And it is not going to change just because we want it to. So, what do you do about it? Yes, you are right, You have to change! Change the way you think about men, then change the way you see love in relationships. You change your mindset. No stress, and no judgement! Life is too short to end your life because someone else chose a different path.
Day #1 Develop a self-confident personality.
It is Okay to be a woman, and everyday look in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am worthy”, “I value who I am”, “I will maintain a I will, I must, and I do attitude”. When you know your value you bring to others, it helps you feel more confident in who you are. I will be the first to tell you that you are Worthy and Wonderful Made! God says it this way in Psalm 139:14, He States, “Women are fearfully and wonderfully made. Do you believe that? You were made by the Creator of the Universe, and He don’t make junk! He made you fearfully and wonderfully. Say those words to yourself “Everyday”! Say them until it becomes “Your Reality”.
Focus On These Things for The Next 30 Days!
- Look at what you have already achieved in life. If you feel good about your past achievements, you will be encouraged to go to the next level.
- Begin to set some relationship goals. Talk to the mirror again. I want to meet a man that is… (Complete this Statement for Yourself). Let it be what you want. Not what someone want for you.
- Everyday, focus on the things that you feel good about and enjoy doing.
- Believe in your abilities.
- Face whatever you Fear head on.
- Focus on the positives things that happens in your World.
- Try something new and different every week for yourself.
- Laugh until it hurts.
- Do not worry about what other people think about you. They don’t know you, like you do.
Improving your self-confidence can have a great impact on how others see you. If they feel that you are comfortable in your own skin, they will gravitate to you. Especially men, and that is what you want to happen. In addition to how men will see you, it also help you feel better about yourself and your abilities. Now, that you are in the drivers seat. You will see what man that you attract for the right reasons.
Self confidence can make a relationship stronger and make you more resilient to stress. Everyone struggles with lack of confidence at one time or another. So feel that you are alone in this.
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