man and woman facing each other huggingThe Right Man is Looking For You!

In everything there is a time and a place and attracting the man that is right for you is no different. It is important to know you are right where you suppose to be at this moment. That has a lot to do with choices that you have made in the past, and the direction of your future.

Don’t spend all your time thinking about flying across the country to meet Mr. Right? Mr. Right will find you just where you are. I stretch myself in saying this “The man that is right for you is out there right now, looking for you”. And get this, He started looking for you the day he was born. But he had to grow up to be a man. His desires were not strong enough at birth, but God knew when he would be ready.

You see, if God already knew who he was, he placed the right desire inside him for the type of woman that would be pleasing to him.  I want you to imagine just for a moment. If the right man found you today, would you be ready to meet him? As women, we worry about the wrong things. We worry about how he will look, how well he dress, what his hair look like, will he be tall, dark, handsome, white, black and all these characteristics that God does not look it.

God knows our purpose, so He places the right people in our circle to accomplish our life goals, his purpose and plan for our lives. In so many words, He has done all the ground work for you.  Don’t stress out over it!!! All we have to do as women is surrender ourselves to God’s plan. So, how do we do that?

It is time we claim what is already ours, and stop creating what is not. Stop getting ahead of God, and be still, and know that He is God. Remember the story in the Bible of the “Bridgegroom”, and the parable of the ten Virgins going to the very first wedding”. The Wise Virgins were the ones who received the truth, and have taken the Holy Spirit as their guide, they were not deceived. The Bridegroom is Jesus Christ. 

I am the mother of 5 girls, and have been married for 41 years. I have coached teen girls, married and single couples for more than 35 years. I noticed in most cases when couples began focusing on me, myself, and I, the marriage relationship fell apart.  You see, in a relationship whether single or married, you must focus more on the other person’s need above your own. So the man must love his wife, and the wife must respects her husband. We often question this, but it was created this way for a divine purpose.

Women attract men, and men are attracted to Women. It is just the way it is. So what does that tell you? Women, we are to maintain our attractiveness. Start by taking the best of care for youself. Attractiveness is not just on the outside. It is the total person inside and out.  It is the revealing of who you truly are. Our world’s view focus on self attraction. Every women was created in the image of God, and He said, “It is Good”. 

In a relationship between man and woman, the woman does not have to look or persue the man. It does not mean that she doesn’t see him in the Room.  The man has something in his DNA that attracts him to the woman. It was planted in him when the world was formed. As women we make mistakes when we don’t allow the man to exercise his attraction for us, and his strength to pursue true love.

So women should always be preparing herself and looking forward to the day that God brings her in contact with the man that is right for her. When that happens, your relationship will take on a life of it’s own. A life that is pre-designed. It will not be your doing, but God’s.

That is the reason dating is so hard for many women.  Understand the power that has been given to you.  It is the revelation of attaction between a man and a woman. It was  created a long, long time ago in the garden of Eden. It was a time when the Creator of the Universe said “It is not good for man to be alone”.

He knew the emptiness of the man’s heart, and saw that he was lonely. So he created in the man the desires he would find desireable and attractive in the woman. Then God presented this over whelming desireable beautiful women to the man and said what do you think?  And the rest is history.

Continue to follow me in my next post.