Your Thoughts Will Attract What You Believe!
Do you Believe that You Can?
Believe that you can, and you will. What you believe will attract the kind of relationship you will develop with the opposite sex.
If your mind is focused on “What you give out, you will find that you will get that back”. It might not come from the person that you gave it out to, but it will come back to you in some form or another. We call this the Revelation of “Attraction”.
You see, we attract the things in life that comes our way. There is no such thing as coincidental occurances. We may not intentionally know that we are attracting these things that comes to us, but it is true that what comes back to us is in the form of what we have attracted from our past encounters. So, ask yourself, in my future relationships when it comes to finding a love relationship with the opposite sex, what do I desire from him. Do I prefer him to be tall, short, medium, or am I willing to take whatever comes my way?
When it comes to love in a relationship, we need to create an emotional connection with the other person for that relationship to flourish. We give love, and we are emotionally fulfilled by the relationship that welcomes our love, and gives it back.
However, there is a difference between being loved by a person, and feeling loved by a person. When we feel loved, it makes us feel accepted in that relationship. We typically fall in love with someone who we think understands us and value us as a person. So being loved is another way that we know that the other person cares and shows respect towards us.
Have you ever thought or felt very early in life that you were meant for greatness as a wonderful? Well, you were! You were created in the image of beauty and attraction. That attraction started very early in your life. Along the way, you began to attract other things such as objects, animals, colors. people and that is what has made you what you are today.
These are things that we connected to growing up into our adolescent years. Images of our dads, brothers, uncles, cousins, and other people that was around us left images in our thoughts of what a good man should be like. As we get older, we are drawn to those attraction we developed from our past. That attraction began to make more sense, and we begin to think about people who remind us of those images.
Relationships works the same way. The point here is that everything we know begans with our thoughts and the information we have absorbed from our past. When it comes to being in a relationship with a man, most of us never stop to investigate whether those thoughts and information that we believed from our past are valid. If they are overlooked, it may hinder us from enjoying a healthy satisfying love life.
You have the power to change your thoughts, and knowing now that your thoughts will attract what you believe. Begin thinking and believing in your mind what you desire in the man that is right for you. Your thoughts will transform your thinking and when you see him, you will know it. The beauty of this is you can change your thoughts and your beliefs will follow. Remember, everything that flows into your life, you attracted it. Change your thoughts and your life will change as well. If you would like to learn how to attract the right man for you. Please check out my upcoming course on “How to attract the man that is right for you?”.